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Las Palmas
PTA Membership
🏵️ Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
May 21, 2024 from 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM
🏵️ We would not have PTA without our amazing volunteers! 🏵️
Thank you for all you do!!!
If you have volunteered - even just 1 hour, come join us!

🎉 We want to invite all our wonderful LP volunteers with an Appreciation Luncheon Tuesday, May 21st.

Please RSVP by 5/10

🏵️¡No tendríamos PTA sin nuestros increíbles voluntarios! 🏵️
¡¡¡Gracias por todo lo que hacen!!!
Si se ha ofrecido como voluntario, aunque solo sea 1 hora, ¡únase a nosotros!
🎉 Queremos invitar a todos nuestros maravillosos voluntarios de LP a un almuerzo de agradecimiento el martes 21 de mayo
Confirma tu asistencia antes del 10 de mayo
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Upcoming Events

  1. [Apr 28, 2025] Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week and Luncheon
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Attendance Line:
(949) 234-5930

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