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Box Tops are DIGITAL Now!

Have you noticed fewer and fewer Box Tops on your favorite products?  That’s because by the end of 2019, Box Tops for Education will be going 100% digital.  You may have already noticed participating brands change their packaging from a physical Box Tops clip to the new Box Tops icon.

Instead of clipping and checking expirations dates, all Box Tops will be earned digitally via receipt scans.  Download the new and improved, user-friendly Box Tops Bonus App, register and select a school, and then scan an eligible receipt containing Box Tops products.  You’ll continue to earn 10 cents for each Box Tops product purchased plus extra earnings for any Bonus Box Tops opportunities.  The app will automatically add Box Tops to your school’s earnings online, giving users access to see how you are supporting your school in real-time.

Don’t worry!  We will continue to accept clipped Box Tops until they expire. Better yet: you can ‘double dip’ during the packaging transition by clipping the physical Box Tops AND scanning their receipt with those participating items*. 

Please note, a few brands are not allowing the ‘double dip’ and will return a message in the app that the brand is a ‘clip only’ brand and encourage users to submit the physical Box Tops to their participating school.

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