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PTO Fundraiser
There's still time! Allenstown PTO (contactless!) fundraiser ends Friday 10/16/20, and we need your help! Our goal is to raise $2,000.00 for essential school programs not currently funded through traditional means.

Home decor, candy, kitchen gadgets, wrapping paper and much more! This fundraiser has something for everyone! 👍🏼

It's as simple as 1, 2, 3! 

1. Register at https://www.shopfund.com/ 
2. Share custom student support links with family & friends.
3. Purchases ship to the shopper’s home (and students win cool prizes)!

REGISTER-SHARE-WIN: Sharing gets you tickets for chances to win over $100,000 in instant prizes. 

Fundraiser Links: 

* How To Videos - (https://bit.ly/2WVP3Um) 
* Kick-Off Videos - (https://bit.ly/32dUCiK) 
* Parent Letter - (https://bit.ly/36gcvS1) 
* Prize Program - (https://bit.ly/39xIwVh) 

On behalf of the Allenstown PTO, thank you for doing your part to make our fundraiser a success!! 🙂

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