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Allenstown School Board Openings

THIS WEEK - The following school district elected offices are available for those who wish to announce their candidacy.  Candidates must delare their candidacy between January 25th and February 3rd, 2017 with the School District Clerk.  The Town Hall will be open from 3 PM to 5 PM on Friday, February 3rd, 2017 to allow candidates to file with the School District Clerk (Kathleen Pelissier, who is also the Town Clerk).  Prospective candidates who have questions as to the duties and responsibilities of the school district elected offices should contact Superintendant Gail Paludi, 485-5187 or gpaludi@sau54.org

School Board Member                  1 for 3 years

School Board Member                  1 for 3 years

School District Clerk                    1 for 1 year

School District Treasurer              1 for 1 year

School District Moderator             1 for 1 year

Read more: http://www.allenstownnh.gov/node/17273


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