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Eagles Rise Up! Get movin' & Get servin'
Sep 23, 2021 - Nov 05, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM every day
We need you! Let's 'raise the roof' literally!

All students that register earn 1 point towards their house team. These points are crucial. 
Let's reach our goal and turn Mr. Lazor into a human ice cream sundae (the students voted).  Together is the only way we can do it. 

Servin' - Hands Dirty Day & Movin' - Nina Style Obstacle Course

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  1. [Aug 02, 2024] Volunteers Needed-CFA & Pizza Servers
  2. [Aug 29, 2024] NEW WEBSITE
  3. [Sep 13, 2024] Back to School Family Picnic
Our School
Eastern Christian
518 Sicomac Avenue
Wyckoff, NJ 07481
(201) 891-3663

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