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Invest LDC! Campaign
Aug 08, 2023 12:00 AM - Sep 30, 2023 11:59 PM
Invest LDC!

Choose one of three ways to give. 

1. Make a one-time online gift.

2. Set up a monthly online gift
($20 per month over the next 10 school months August through May)

3. Give via cash or check. Make checks payable to Lockeland PTO. Please complete the hard copy of the donation form below and mail it with your cash or check donation to the Lockeland Design Center PTO at 105 South 17th Street, Nashville, TN 37206. 

*Be sure to complete our donation form. We need the information from the donation form so that we can send you a tax receipt, thank you note, and LDC magnet. We are not allowed to procure contact information from MNPS, so without this form, we will not be able to send a tax receipt.

Our Goal
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us reach our goal
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