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LDC Chess Club

2019-2020 Lockeland Chess Club Invite

It’s time to sign up for 2019-2020 Chess Club!  We’re moving into the electronic age with an online sign up this year and you can sign your kiddo up now. 

We have a few changes this year.  Please make sure you’re aware of all club logistics and changes and reach out to us directly with any questions.

Cali Ewing (Bennett’s Mom 2nd Grade) caliewing@gmail.com 
Cynthia Schumm (Dylan’s Mom 2nd Grade) cynthia@bright-satellite.com

Time and Location

  • Tuesdays 3:20-4:20 at Shelby Community Center
  • First Session Tuesday, September 10th
    • Instead of separate sessions, we’re bringing the kids together on a single day this year
    • Parent volunteers will walk with the kids from Lockeland to the Shelby Community Center after school
    • Pickup will be at the Shelby Community Center at 4:20 – If your child IS NOT registered for the Shelby Community Center after school program, you must pick your child up at 4:20. Please contact us directly if your child LOVES Chess and this is a barrier to participation.  We’ll do our best to work something out. 


  • 40 Participants – this is a bit less than the number we had last year so SIGN UP NOW


  • $150 for the year

Other Requirements

  • Parent Involvement – Please plan to either assist with the walk from School to the Community Center or help with sign out at the end of the session at least once during the year.
  • Genuine interest in getting better at Chess – We’ve had a few kids in the club in the past who just aren’t that interested. Please don’t take a slot if your kiddo is one of those kids.  We find that it’s more difficult for those who want to learn and play to have a good experience when we have kids in the room who would rather be somewhere else. 
  • Appropriate behavior – Ideally following the guidance above will help stay ahead, but Cynthia and I will reach out directly if your kiddo is having trouble. If disruptions are ongoing, we’ll ask kids to take a break and/or consider leaving the club

Sign Up – Here’s the link you’ve been looking for:


Paper Forms

  • We’ll have an additional form that we’ll need you to sign for our files. We’ll distribute the forms to club members upon completion of the online sign up process.
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