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2023-2024 PTO Annual Report

2023-2024 PTO Annual Report


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Rewards Programs for 23/24

YOU CAN SUPPORT LOCKELAND WITHOUT SPENDING ANY EXTRA MONEY. The Lockeland PTO participates in several reward programs where a portion of your purchases are given back to our school at no additional... more

Invest LDC!

Welcome back, Lockeland families! We hope everyone had a wonderful summer break! This year LDC is Wild About Learning, and we hope that you will join us in our annual fundraiser. Our goal this year is... more

Rewards - Boxtops for LDC!

Box Tops - Start Collecting! LDC earns $1 for each 10 BoxTops collected - over $1000 a year! Turn them in on a BoxTop sheet or in a baggie or envelop in your child's folder. Ask friends, family,... more

Rewards - Kroger Community Rewards

Did you know that Kroger stores give $2,500,000 annually to Middle Tennessee non-profits? Public schools within our local community have received as much as $10,000 a year through the... more

Our Goal
Thank you for helping
us reach our goal
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