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Dear PSE Families, 

Welcome to the 2018-19 school year! Safety and security is of the utmost importance to all of us at Park Springs Elementary. In order to ensure that our campus is secure at all times, a few changes will begin at the start of the 2018-19 school year. As always, I appreciate your patience and support as we enforce safety and security procedures. Please see below for changes that will begin effective August 15, 2018.  

  • All parents are welcome to walk their child to the classroom on the first day of school, August 15, 2018. School staff, the Coral Springs Police Department and parent volunteers will assist us on this day. Beginning, August 16, all parents will need to utilize the car line, east/west gate or school board transportation in order to drop their child off. PSE school staff will ensure that all children are safely escorted to their classroom.  
  • All students in grades PreK-5 will be issued a PSE Student ID Badge. The badge will be worn at all times during the school day. In addition, a badge will be provided to aftercare students. Plans are in place for new students to PSE and kindergarten students to obtain badges.  
  • All late items (including but not limited to: homework, snacks, ice cream money, field trip forms, jackets, water bottles, birthday items) will be accepted in the front office up until 8:30am.  
  • All lunch visitors and school volunteers must be cleared through the Broward School Board and enter through the STAR System in the Front Office. We ask that all volunteers arrive on campus after 8:00am and dismiss before 1:30pm unless attending special events such as field trips and school wide events. Arrival and dismissal are busy times and we need all walkways clear of additional traffic to ensure that all students are safe.  
  • During the first two weeks of school, students will participate in a Fire Drill, Tornado Drill and a Code Red (Lockdown) Drill. More information will be provided to parents immediately following the drills.  

In addition, all safety protocols for routine school operations will be continuously reinforced. Our routine protocols include all visitors must wear identification badges while on campus, locking classroom doors at all times, locking and securing exterior doors and gates throughout the day, and conducting emergency preparedness drills. At Park Springs we have a full time Coral Springs Police Department School Resource Officer on campus during the school day. Park Springs has been and will continue to be a Single Point of Entry Campus. Park Springs is a uniform school. For easy identification purposes, we ask that all students wear the PSE approved uniform. Safety and security is discussed at all SAC and SAF Meetings. Both parent/community groups are forums for parents to ask questions and share ideas. The SAC/SAF Meeting schedule will be forthcoming.  

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Policastro or Ms. Hanson at 754-322-7750.  


Mrs. Policastro 

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Park Springs Elementary
5800 NW 66th Terrace
Coral Springs, FL 33067
(754) 322-7750
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