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PTO Elections for 2020-21 to Be Held Online May 6-11
The PTO Board has voted to hold our PTO Elections for 2020-21 electronically online.* The online PTO election ballot will include a vote on the slate of new PTO Officers for 2020-21, a vote on the PTO Budget for 2020-21, and a vote on two recommended amendments to the PTO Bylaws. The PTO will share information on how 2019-2020 PTO Members will receive the electronic online ballot during the May 6th General PTO Meeting, and then the online ballot will be available for PTO Members immediately following the meeting. The ballot will close on Monday, May 11 at 8pm.

At the March PTO General PTO Meeting, the slate for election of PTO Board Officers for 2020-21 was shared. All of the 2020-21 PTO Board Officer volunteers are parents of children at Rea View and are PTO Members in good standing. The slate of PTO Board Officers for 2020-21 is...

  • Co-President - Liz Karpiel
  • Co-President - Nicole Lange
  • President Elect (and President for 2021-22) - Jason Noto
  • Treasurer Elect (and Treasurer for 2021-22) - Lauren Ebeling
  • Vice President of Fundraising & Sponsorship - Jocelyn Marrero
  • Vice President of Family Fun - Nikki Dunn
  • Secretary - Michelle Taylor
  • Board Member-at-Large (advisory role only) - Ashley Maggio
A recording of the March General PTO Meeting is available here, if you would like more information on the slate of PTO Officers for 2020-21 and who else will be on the PTO Board next year.

Also, as part of the elections, there will also be a vote to approve the PTO Budget for 2020-21. PTO Board members have been working remotely to create a draft of the proposed PTO Budget for 2020-21. On Monday, April 20, the PTO will post an article on the PTO Website about the proposed PTO Budget, and there will be a copy of the proposed 2020-21 PTO Budget for you to download and review.

Finally, during the March General PTO Meeting, two amendments changes the PTO Board would like to make to the Rea View PTO Bylaws, were also shared, including...
  • In Article III, Section 1 of the PTO Bylaws, only parents, guardians, and staff members are allowed to become Rea View PTO Members. The PTO Board would like to amend the Bylaws to allow family members of Rea View students to become PTO members, as we have many active grandparents at Rea View who are interested in becoming more involved with the PTO.

  • Also, in Article V, Section 1 of the PTO Bylaws, the PTO Board is required to hold General PTO meetings “at least every two months during the school year.” Due to low attendance at our General PTO Meetings (whether they are held in person or online), the PTO Board is recommending the Bylaws be amended to say “General PTO Meetings shall be held at least three times a year. The three required General PTO Meetings will be held at the beginning of the school year, mid school year, and at the end of the school year. Other General PTO Meetings can be called at the discretion of the PTO Board.”
As part of the PTO's 2020-21 election ballot, there will be a section about approving the two new amendments to the PTO Bylaws. At the bottom of this article is a downloadable copy of Rea View's PTO Bylaws if you would like to review them to make an informed decision before you vote. 

Only PTO Members who are in good standing (i.e. have paid their 2019-20 PTO dues) may vote in this year's election. If you are not a 2019-20 PTO Member, but would like to participate in the PTO Election this May, you can still join the PTO by clicking here or by going to the Shop/Donate tab above, and paying the dues by May 1, 2020.

If you have any questions about the PTO Elections, please email our PTO President, Ashley Maggio, at reaviewpto@gmail.com.

* Rea View PTO Bylaws Article IV, Section 3 - Nominations and Elections: Officer elections will be held at the last regular meeting of the school year. Notice of this meeting must be given at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. If a slate is to be presented at the meeting, the slate shall be presented fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. A quorum of at least twenty (20) members in good standing is required elect officers. At the meeting, nominations may be made from the floor. Voting shall be by voice vote if a slate is presented. If there are multiple candidates for an office, a ballot vote shall be taken. The positions that will be voted upon are President- Elect, Vice President(s), Secretary, and Treasurer-Elect. The President-Elect and Treasurer-Elect will automatically fill the role of President and Treasurer the following year. For the 2018-2019 school year ONLY, the offices of President and Treasurer will also be voted upon. A majority vote is required to elect an officer. No proxy ballots are permitted. Electronic voting may be permitted upon majority vote of the Executive Board.
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Rea View Elementary
320 Reid Dairy Road
Waxhaw, NC 28173
(704) 290-1524

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