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Become a Business Partner Today!

Hello Spanish River Supporters and Business Partners!

Thank you for your past support of the Spanish River Community High School PTSA! We hope that you will become a Business Partner again for the 2022 - 2023 school year. 

Go Online for Your Banner to www.Partners4Sharks.com

The Sponsorship Program is kicking off this year with the online sale of Banners on the Fence on Yamato Road, Jog Road or by the Football Field. Banners will be sold online this year. 


Want to Guarantee Your Spot on the Fence? Take Part in the Auction! 

As an all-new option, there is an auction for premium placements on the fence on Yamato Road or Jog Road!  If you want to guarantee your position, make sure to take part in the auction as there are just a few premium placement spots!   


Order by August 31 for the Auction on Premium Spots and the Initial Order for Standard Placement! 

To purchase your standard banner or a premium placement spot through the auction, make sure to go to www.partners4sharks.com now!  The auction as well as the first order for banners ends on August 31, 2022! All payments will be taken online, so please make sure to click to www.Partners4Sharks.com to order your banner!  Orders will be taken after August 31, however, to guarantee that you are part of the initial order of banners being produced, your order must be received by August 31 at 10 am. 


For Social Sponsorships or Questions, please send an email to sharksonthefence@gmail.com 


November Auction

This year, our PTSA general online auction will be held in November.  Last year's auction was a huge success, and it's an excellent way to reach more Spanish River High School families and students.  Should you wish to be a part of an additional opportunity to support our school, please send an email to auction4sharks@gmail.com.  


We hope we can count on you to become a Business Partner again this year, and we appreciate your support of the Spanish River Community High School and its PTSA!


Our School
Spanish River High School
5100 Jog Road
(561) 241-2200

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