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Teacher Time Auction
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We Need You!

We have several Board position vacancies to fill for the 2020 – 2021 school year.  We will need a new Vice President/President Elect, a new Treasurer, and a new Secretary.  If you’ve ever wanted to get more involved in your child’s academic experience, have a bigger say in where the PTO funds are spent, or just want to learn more about the ‘behind the scenes’ at school, now is your chance!  Some committees are year-round, and some only pop up for a month or two during the year.   We know for sure we will have places on the Fundraising, Tiger Trot, Communications, and Hero Dance committees.  If you want to get involved anywhere, we will find you a spot!  Please reach out to centralespto@gmail.com if you’d like more information on any of these open positions. 

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