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About Us

Welcome to the Central Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). Our goal is to build a community of parents, teachers, and administrators working together to make a stronger school and a better educational experience for our children. Below is information about the PTO’s role and some of the benefits of membership:

What does it mean to be a PTO member?

It means you are involved in your child(ren’s) education by actively supporting our school. Being a PTO member is a rewarding experience for you and your children. Being a member of the PTO does not mean you must commit to volunteering or attend every meeting. We respect that you do only what you can, when you can, and we welcome your support!  

Why should I be a participating member?

Participation through volunteering allows you to be more "hands on" with your child’s education.  Research indicates that when families are involved, children are more successful. Our children love to see us in their school. You get to know our teachers and your children’s friends and meet other parents. Participation through attending PTO meetings gives you a voice. You help decide what we do as a group and how to use the funds. 

What are the benefits of membership?

With your membership, participation, and involvement, the educational and social experiences of all students at Central Elementary will be greatly enhanced. Your membership contribution is good for one school year and entitles you to be a voting member and serve on the executive board. Your contribution is kept in our school and helps supplement programs and events, provide teachers with supply stipends, and goes toward capital improvements.

Isn't the PTO only about fundraising?

No, we do a lot more than fundraising; we sponsor FUN! Fundraising is an important way for us to provide additional resources for enrichment activities like clubs, assemblies, and other items outside of the school budget such as supplies, technology, or playground equipment. We also sponsor fun family social events. Our ability to provide these things is dependent upon our Central Elementary families’ participation in fundraising efforts. Spirit Wear, local restaurant Spirit Nights, and Tiger Trot are just some of the ways we raise money for our school.  

We look forward to getting to know you and thank you for your support!

2023/2024 PTO Officers

Kaysha Curro, President              Megan McCuen, Vice President                                                 

Larisa Santis, Treasurer              Erin Gilfenbaum, Secretary

Colleen Krygiel, Communications Director

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