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CES Rain Garden Weeding Help

Who loves gardening??

The Green School Committee is looking for volunteers to help take care of/maintain our school's Rain Garden over the summer.

The dates posted on the sign-up are WEEKLY dates meaning you would be volunteering to help with the garden for that week (2-3 visits a week), not just the day. Details about what's needed are below. Thank you in advance for your help! The link to the SignUp Genius can be found here:

Central Elementary School: Rain Garden weeding help (signupgenius.com)

Summer Rain Garden Check List 2021

*Pull weeds as needed; there will be plenty of grass weeds around the base and between plants. If you’re unsure if it’s a weed, pull it up if it is growing in the wrong place.  Weeds may be thrown in the wooded area by the Sports Court.

*You might want to bring your own gardening tools if you think you'll need them. The school does have some on sight, but we aren't sure who will and won't be in the office over the summer to loan them out, depending on when you visit.

*If you have any observations/concerns/questions about the wellbeing of any plants or the garden in general this summer, please notify dmanojlovic@aacps.org or cwaring@aacps.org.

 We are so grateful for your efforts in supporting our school garden!

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