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Congrats May Volunteer of the Month!
Our 18th Annual Tiger Trot Student Fun Run was another wildly successful fundraiser thanks to our Tiger Trot Chair, Jessica Nowak! We not only surpassed our goal of $40,000 but Jessica made sure all of our students enjoyed the process along the way! Class incentives like Extra Recess or Bring A Stuffy To School made for some fun celebrations throughout the week at school as a reward for hitting benchmarks.

Personalized CES frisbees were given to each student for hitting our school goal and Go-Melvo SnoCones really topped it all off for a refreshing post-run reward! It was a beautiful Friday to get students outside but the enthusiasm, encouragement, and school spirit that flooded the field was what made it so memorable! If you see Jess around, give her a huge thanks for all her hard work!

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