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4th Grade OSS 2024-2025
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Countdown to OSS
OSS Trip Dec 2024
5th Grade OSS Trip
Feb 10, 2020 12:00 AM - Feb 13, 2020 11:59 PM

5th Grade Parents:


   During the week of Outdoor Science School, Mr. Martinez will be posting 2-3 updates a day on the official San Juan El Facebook Page.  Please request to be added to this group as it is a Private group started by SJ Parents.

In order to be added, ask or look up:

San Juan Elem Facebook Page
Please remember to answer the three security questions.


I will also do a "Live Video" on Wednesday afternoon when we are with our students during "teacher time" 


If you don’t have an account, you can ask another parent to follow along.


We will  be unable to check emails while at OSS.


We will also try and use our Class Dojo although we are trying to limit the time on our phones to experience what our students experience ðŸ™‚




Padres de 5to Grado:


  Durante la semana de Outdoor Science School, Mr. Martinez estará escribiendo 2 a 3 veces por día en la página oficial de Facebook de la Escuela San Juan. El nombre es San Juan El y es un grupo patrocinado por los padres.

Si tiene cuenta pídale a :


San Juan Elem Facebook Page
Recuerde responder las tres preguntas de seguridad.


Intentare hacer un video "en vivo" el miercoles cuando estemos con todos los estudiantes a la misma vez


SI no tiene una cuenta, pregúntele a un amigo/a.


No tendremos acceso para leer  nuestros correos electrónicos durante la semana de OSS.


Tambien trataremos de utilizar Class Dojo pero estamos tratando de limitar el uso del telefono para vivir las mismas experiencias que los alumnos

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Upcoming Events

  1. [Sep 02, 2024] Labor Day
  2. [Nov 11, 2024] Veterans Day - No School
  3. [Nov 25, 2024] Thanksgiving Break - No School
  4. [Dec 23, 2024] Winter Recess
  5. [Jan 20, 2025] Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Service Day-No School
  6. [Apr 07, 2025] Spring Recess
  7. [May 26, 2025] Memorial Day
Our School
San Juan Elementary School
31642 El Camino Real
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
(949) 493-4533
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5th Grade OSS 2024-2025
Donations are tax deductible

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