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Our Goal
4th Grade OSS 2024-2025
Please consider making a donation to OSS








Countdown to OSS
OSS Trip Dec 2024
4th OSS Chocolate Fundraiser
May 08, 2023 - May 18, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM every day

Congratulations to those who turned in your permission slips. You’ve all earned your first raffle ticket, For Every Box SOLD wins a ticket into a drawing for a surprise PRIZE ! 3 Chances to Win!
Now sell your box and bring your money back ASAP to check out another box 
and collect another raffle ticket!

If you didn’t have a chance to get your permission slip turned in yet….you still can and get it done,
 turn in your permission slip to your teacher or the front office as soon as possible.
Or email your OSS Coordinator  magallypule@gmail.com  Fundraiser ends 5/18/23 


Felicitaciones a quienes entregaron sus formularios de permiso. ¡Todos han ganado su primer boleto de rifa, por cada caja VENDIDA gana un boleto para un sorteo para un PREMIO sorpresa!
¡3 oportunidades de ganar!

Ahora venda su caja y traiga su dinero lo antes posible y recoger otra caja
y recoger otro boleto de la rifa!

Si aún no tuvo la oportunidad de entregar su hoja de permiso... todavía puede hacerlo.
Entregue su hoja de permiso a su maestro/a  o a la oficina principal tan pronto como sea posible.
O envíe un correo electrónico a su coordinador de OSS magallypule@gmail.com La recaudación de fondos finaliza el 5/18/23
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Upcoming Events

  1. [Sep 02, 2024] Labor Day
  2. [Nov 11, 2024] Veterans Day - No School
  3. [Nov 25, 2024] Thanksgiving Break - No School
  4. [Dec 23, 2024] Winter Recess
  5. [Jan 20, 2025] Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Service Day-No School
  6. [Apr 07, 2025] Spring Recess
  7. [May 26, 2025] Memorial Day
Our School
San Juan Elementary School
31642 El Camino Real
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
(949) 493-4533
Donate Now
5th Grade OSS 2024-2025
Donations are tax deductible

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