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Staff Appreciation
About Us

East Windsor PTO is a non-profit organization whose members include parents, legal guardians, and staff associated with Broad Brook School and East Windsor Middle School. 

The PTO's goal is to foster a nurturing and caring environment that strives for continued parent involvement in helping build a better educational environment for our children.  We also promote school community where teachers and administrators can do their best work with the supplemental resources we can provide and help make school more fun.  Through fundraising efforts, the PTO is able to fund scholarships, provide field trips, assemblies and other school activities just to name a few.

Our email address is ewpto@aol.com if you need to contact us.  You can also find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/eastwindsor.pto.  We share a lot of updates there, so make sure to "Like" and "Follow" our page!

Broad Brook
Elementary School
East Windsor
Middle School
Our Goal
EWPTO Memberships 2023-2024

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