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Staff Appreciation
Family Membership 2023-2024 (Memberships)

The EWPTO has a goal of 100 memberships this year!! Join the PTO to stay up to date on our fundraisers and events! Your membership cost goes directly to the PTO which then uses funds to provide special events and support to our children at both Broad Brook Elementary School and East Windsor Middle School. There are no obligations once you join, but we appreciate any help you can give us!

Our membership drive is running now through the end of October.  At the end of the drive, the class with the most memberships will win a prize...and so does their teacher!  We will also have a little friendly competition between the schools.  Which will have more families sign up?  BBES or EWMS?

One LUCKY family will win passes to the Connecticut Science Center!!!! To be entered, you must sign up for a 2023-2024 Family Membership.

What does your EWPTO do for our schools?  We help support:
-field trips
-social and educational events

Please use this link to sign up for your membership (**Do not use the form on this website**)- 
2023-2024 Membership Application 

You can send payment via Paypal, Venmo, or you may send cash or check in a sealed envelope with your printed form to school marked "EWPTO".


Family Membership
Broad Brook
Elementary School
East Windsor
Middle School
Our Goal
EWPTO Memberships 2023-2024

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