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Welcome to King Springs Elementary! There will be information coming soon for the 2023-2024 year!
Support the Pride - Contribute TODAY!
King Springs Foundation launched its annual Support the Pride campaign on September 5th, hoping to raise $70,000 and help Springer reach his crown.   The campaign has been going strong, but to help get a little closer to our goal, we're extending Support the Pride to Oct 20th.  EVEN THOUGH THE FINAL DAY TO CONTRIBUTE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO OCT. 20th, DON'T DELAY- CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR DONATION TODAY!  Every amount helps.  We have a lot of students and families, and your donations adds up quickly!

This is the main fundraiser for the Foundation and the funds raised help support our teachers, students, and staff through the purchase of resources, supplies, curriculum and equipment that Cobb County School District does not fund and which are required to keep our STEM certification.

Please check with your employer to see if they will match your donation.  Also check with family members and friends to see if they will donate on your student's behalf instead of buying things they may not really want, like wrapping paper and magazines.
Just this year the Foundation has funded:
  • 700 Solar Eclipse Glasses ($630)
  • Summer professional learning support for teachers ($3,000)
  • Amazon cards to help with classroom teacher start up funds ($1,800)
  • Specials Start up funds ($1,000+)
  • 15 iPad for the three new classrooms at King Springs ($6,715)
  • Technology subscriptions and weekly reader subscriptions for k-5th grades ($6,966)
  • Technology Resource Coordinator Salaries (~$2,000 per month)
Big expenses on the horizon include:
  • STEM Lab Supplies
  • Science Olympiad Support
  • Grade Level Innovation Grants (~$1,000 per grade level)
  • Technology Coordinator salaries for the remainder of the year
  • Teacher training
  • Curriculum enhancements
Watch your student's folder for a flyer and envelope with more details on how you can give.  Thanks in advance for all of your support.  We can't do what we do without you!

VIEW a special Support the Pride video here!

-Donation prizes and tax receipts will be handed out to classrooms on Friday October 20th.-
Donate to the PTA!
National PTA Award

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