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Did you know you can sync your e-calendar (Google Calendar, iCal, etc.) to the KSE PTA Calendar?  You CAN!  Please note:  you will HAVE to log-in to the PTA website in order to do this.  Don't have a log-in? Create one first, then follow these directions:

KSE PTA maintains our calendar on this website. To subscribe to the calendar on this website, first, Log-In to the PTA website.  Once logged-in, look on the left hand side of the home page. Under the scrolling calendar, you will see a box that says "View Month by Month Calendar or Subscribe to iCalendar". Click "Subscribe to iCalendar" and follow the instructions for your personal calendar application.

The Cobb County School District maintains a Staff Use calendar that you might also find helpful. To add this calendar to your Google Calendar, go to the Cobb County School District Calendars page: http://www.cobbk12.org/generalinfo/calendars/ and click the "+ Google Calendar" button in the bottom right hand corner. 

3 Options for Synching your MyVLink Calendar

EASIEST WAY TO SYNC - If you use Apple Calendar or Outlook you can click/tap the link below to subscribe to your Share site calendar. Updates to your Share site calendar will automatically sync with your mobile or desktop calendar:

Subscribe/Export Share Site Calendar
*For Android Devices you will also need to download a Web Calendar Sync App. We suggest the free version of "WebCal-Sync". Visit the Play Store on your mobile device to download the App of your choice.

USING A FEED ADDRESS TO SYNC – Copy/paste the following feed address into the corresponding field within your calendar application: (the link will generate when you go through the steps in the orange box above).

MANUAL IMPORT/SYNC – Download your calendar file and manually import items. Click the link below, then save the calendar file to your computer/device and import the file into your calendar. Please note that your calendar will not auto-sync. To sync you will need to download and import/update each time.
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National PTA Award

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