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Student Illness: When to stay home

CCSD is working with the health department and the CDC in tracking flu cases. If your child was diagnosed with Flu A/B, strep throat, or pneumonia, please provide the following information to the school nurse.

1. Child's name/ Diagnosis
2. Date of diagnosis
3. Did child have flu shot?

Aimee.Benefield@cobbk12.org (KSE 2-5 Campus School Nurse)

Attached is a quick guide for deciding when your child should stay home. Please keep in mind that your child MUST be fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications (Advil, Tylenol) before returning to school.  Read more information about the flu here: http://www.cobbk12.org/centraloffice/studentsupport/schoolhealth/flu.aspx  Thank you for your cooperation in keeping King Springs healthy!


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