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We need your help!
New Families,
Click Here!
Welcome to King Springs Elementary! There will be information coming soon for the 2023-2024 year!
Volunteers Needed for Muffins with Moms!
Students, bring your Mom (or favorite family member or adult!) to KSE to enjoy some yummy Muffins, Coffee, and Orange Juice together before the school day!
Day One is last names starting with the letters A through L, Day Two is last names starting with letters M-Z.

Muffins with Moms
K-1 Campus is on Thursday, March 8 (A-L) and Friday, March 9 (M-Z).
2-5 Campus is on Thursday, March 15 (A-L) and Friday, March 16 (M-Z).
DADS:  If you can volunteer to help serve the muffins on one of the mornings, please sign up here: http://signup.com/go/CcNjEjv.  

We hope to see you there!
Donate to the PTA!
National PTA Award

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