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GA PTA Legislative Update

On Wednesday March 14, a delegation of eight local, state, and national PTA leaders from Georgia descended upon Capitol Hill to advocate for common sense gun safety legislation. This year, National PTA focused on three important bills related to ensuring the safety of all students, both in their schools and in their communities. During its time on the hill, Georgia PTA met with officials from the entire Georgia House and Senate Delegations, including six direct meetings with legislators.
At these meetings, Georgia PTA discussed a number of safety bills supported by National PTA. Of particular importance is H.R. 4909, "The STOP School Violence Act." This bill authorizes $50 million in grants to state and local governments to improve training for local law enforcement, school personnel and students. Although this bill is only the start, it provides a solid foundation for addressing issues of safety and emergency preparedness in our schools. Significantly, a vote was held at approximately 3pm on Wednesday, March 14. The near unanimous vote of Georgia's Representatives demonstrated their support of this common sense effort to ensure the safety of each and every student across the nation. This is in no small part due to our legislators hearing from their constituents in support of the bill. The passage of “The STOP School Violence Act” illustrates how effective advocacy can secure positive legislation.
When parents and community advocates come together to support a cause, our legislators listen. Georgia PTA is a powerful voice for students, parents, and teachers. In the coming days, Georgia PTA, in concert with National PTA, will continue to support common sense gun safety legislation, including H.R. 1478, "The Gun Violence Research Act," and H.R. 4434/S. 2135, "The Fix NICS Act." By being an active participant in the legislative process through advocacy and working with our legislators, Georgia PTA and its members can ensure effective, common sense solutions are reached.
For additional information, please contact Daniel White, Federal Legislative Specialist, fedleg@georgiapta.orgor 404-314-5900.
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