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PTA End-of-Year Update
Phew! Is it summer yet? Check out what our PTA has been hard at work doing all year...

End of the Year Recap

With the school year coming to an end, the PTA Executive Board has been reflecting on our successes this year.  We had a full calendar of awesome events, and we were able to offer a wide variety of support to  our KSE staff and families.  Among our biggest events were Movie Night, Fall Festival, Father/Daughter and Mother/Son events, Springer Sprint, and Field Day. In addition, we hosted numerous staff lunches and parent breakfasts, funded various efforts to assist KSE families in need, and prioritized efforts designed to help our families stay informed and involved (an up-to-date website, comprehensive monthly calendar, pre-packaged school supply kits, Kindergarten welcome activities, etc.).

Planning for Next Year
Planning is well underway for next year!  Please take a minute to complete our survey and let us know which events are most important to your family. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZHPQN8J.  Your thoughts and suggestions are appreciated, and your feedback is so valuable to us.  And, as always, we welcome new faces at our Board of Directors meetings.  Those meetings are the perfect opportunity to share ideas or lend a hand.  Check the green calendars or PTA website for meeting times.

Springer Sprint Results
Our Springer Sprint fundraiser kicked off with a pep rally followed by daily discussions on character development.  Nine days later, our students (and even some of our teachers!) participated in a 30-minute run with their classmates.  With a live DJ and lots of parent-cheerleaders, we all had a blast.  When the pledges were tallied, we learned that we had raised $23,380 — $11,690 of which is profit for King Springs!  55% percent of our students participated in the fundraising aspect of the program and 100% of our kids participated in the pep rallies and run.  Our entire KSE community will benefit from the activities these funds help us pay for. 

After discussions with Dr. Szwec, we have determined that the proceeds will be used to purchase recess bags for each class and to provide a stipend for each classroom teacher.  We have devoted 10% of the total amount raised -- over $2,300 -- toward these stipends.  Proceeds will also cover the costs associated with hosting our grade-level performances at Life Church. (These expenses include a crossing guard, tech support, and an honorarium to the church).  Remaining funds will go toward more general PTA expenses such as staff appreciation, guest speakers, family events, etc.

The Springer Sprint fundraiser replaced the Spring Fling we hosted in years past.  For that event, we asked parents to contribute by serving on the committee, buying tickets, volunteering at the event, and putting together and then purchasing silent auction baskets.  The Fun Run program was designed to be more streamlined and less volunteer-intensive.  It proved to be our most successful fundraiser in years!
Donate to the PTA!
National PTA Award

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