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New Families,
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Welcome to King Springs Elementary! There will be information coming soon for the 2023-2024 year!
Support the Pride! KSE's biggest fundraiser is happening NOW!
Support the Pride is the KSE Foundation's annual capital campaign.  It's our school's biggest fundraiser.

Over the last few years, through generous support of King Springs' families, friends and community members and businesses, the KSE Foundation has been able to increase the financial support for King Springs Elementary School.  By providing funds for programs targeted by the school, our students and faculty have received resources above and beyond the standard funding by the Cobb County School System.

This Year’s Goal is $70,000!  These funds will stay at King Springs and directly benefit our school.

Visit the Foundation's website for more info: http://www.kingspringsfoundation.org/support-the-pride.html
Donate to the PTA!
National PTA Award

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