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Volunteer Spotlight
We appreciate the following folks who helped with our October Campus Cleanup!
Eric Dennis (K-1 chair)
Scott Stafford (2-5 chair)
Rebecca & Ava Paul
Jeremy Warren
Jim Chafin
Griffin Dennis
Amy Stafford

Big thanks to the ladies who coordinated our Bus Driver Appreciation efforts!
Shelby Drinkard
Carol Kleywegt
Nadine Weller

Finally, thank you to the dozens of volunteers who helped with our Conference Week lunches.  Our teachers & staff really appreciated the delicious meals we served all week.

Kate Carter (chairperson)
Diane McDonald (co-chair)

K-1 Campus
Anjali Bivek
Allison Krause
Amanda Keller
Amber Fountain
Angie Quach Kim
Anushri Vellanki
Ashleigh Poff
Ashley DiBacco
Ashley Horowitz
Ashley L Mitchell
Ashley Martin
Brooke Latham
Candace Johnson
Catherine Gresham
Cleo Anderson
Danielle Nickerson 
Danielle Hutto
Debra Shuler
Emily Ferrill Rios
Emily Landis
Emily Winn
Erin Justice
Farhat Garana
Grace Horgan
Gretchen Owens
Hila Goldman
Jenna Mascarenas
Jennifer Barakat
Jessica Power
John Gibney
Julia Reynolds
Katie Burgoon
Katie Sigmon
Keila Griman
Kelly Hernaez
Kelly Skupas Hernáez
Kim Franklin
Kym Lee
Laura Baltrunas
Laura Dunn
Leigh Lauer
Lindsay Prather
Lindsey Ferstle
Lisa Barbieri
Lisa Sullivan
Marisa Lightsey
Meg Quigley
Megan Bohrer
Melisa Cook
Melissa Quist
Meredith Hyatt
Mitece Searcy
Natalie Akins
Natasha Fenili
Nichole Williams
Nicole Spitalnick
Nicole Bartig
Nicole Bell
Nicole Dillon-McKinney
Nicole Hall
Nicole Heyward
Paramita Chatterjee
Rachel Sandifer
Renee Reese
Rikki Gnanamani
Sadaf Aleem
Sara Khel
Sara Sorenson
Saray Firmin
Sheena Stransky
Sherry Nielsen
Shilpi Sharma
Stacie E Greene
Sumit Arora
Suzanne Stocker
Torrence Ford

2-5 Campus
Amber Fountain
Amber L Friar
Ambika Rajaram
Amy Stafford
Anissa Blair
Barbara Henderson
Bethany Ferguson
Bonnie Zaring
Brandy Lutz
Brooke Latham
Carey Bewley
Carman Hasty
Carol Kleywegt
Carrie Battaglia
Caryn Arrowood
Cassie Eskew
Chelsea Whitesell
Christina Million
Courtney Carper
Danielle Hutto
Debra Shuler
Dharini Deivasigamani
Dianne McDonald
Elizabeth Hatcher
Emily Boyle
Emily Warren
Erin Justice
Farhat Garana
Heather Johnson
Jenna Mascarenas
Jennifer Crane
Jennifer Faur
Jessica Frohn
Jodi McClain
John Gibney
Kelly Skupas Hernáez
Kendra King
Kim Franklin
Kristine Meeks
Kym Lee
Lara Lynn Sturgess
Laura Bracci
Lauren Huang
LeAnn Boucher
Madison Thomson
Melissa Bragg
Melissa Quist
Melva Holt
Meredith Hyatt
Misty Hammers
Nadine Weller
Nathalie Drouin
Nicole Spitalnick
Nicole Dillon-McKinney
Nicole Hall
Nina Reeder
Okey Unigwe
Renee Reese
Rikki Gnanamani
Sandhya Sriram
Sarah Anderson
Saray Firmin
Shan Thomas
Shelby Drinkard
Sonya DeHaan
Subbarayudu Mavuluru
Summer Poppe
Suzanne Vincent
Tami Skoff
Tara Hanover
Tennille Dozier
Torrence Ford
Valerie Brodowski

Thank you, also, to families who sent a monetary donation for Conference Week! We used those contributions to purchase paper products and to round out the meals that were donated.
Andrea Sanders
Jessica Lambert
Tamara Siemon
Carman Brown
Kimberly Cochran
Candace Johnson
Elizabeth Eagan
Denise Weiner
Nicole Hall
Lauren Tucker
nina reeder
Julia Taylor
Kelly Hernaez
William Reese
Olabukola Nielsen
Sumit Arora
manoj Singh
Ashleigh Poff
Anne Howard
Jennifer Koch
Lisa Ciganek
Paramita Chatterjee
Laura and Vincentas Bactrunas
Suzanne Vincent
Timothy and Lydia Al-Awabdy
Anthony and Ashley Black
Chris and Ashley Mitchell
Davina Bediam's mother

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