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Mid-Year Update from the KSE PTA
As we settle in to the second half of the year, the PTA Executive Board wanted to share some plans for the Spring Semester. We'd also like to share a short recap of Fall Semester activities.

Coming Up This Spring
Springer Sprint: Our fun run was a hugely successful fundraiser last year, and it is returning this year for another round! Runs will be held at each campus on May 2nd, and students can begin gathering pledges in late April.

Continued Opportunities for STEM Enrichment: In addition to January's Science Fair and STEM Night, KSE is sending a team to the Science Olympiad competition and will continue to hold monthly STEM days. For parents, PTA has hosted a series of Internet & Technology Safety events.

In-School Events for Students: Our kids can look forward to participating in Read Across America activities, meeting an author during KSE's annual Author Visit, and having tons of fun with their classmates on Field Day.

Family Activities: Our father/daughter event is set for February 10th, and Muffins with Moms and Donuts with Dads will be held in February and March. Spirit Nights are sprinkled throughout the calendar -- be sure to join us at Rev Coffee, St. Angelo's Pizza, Monterrey, and Newk's!

Enrichment Club Mini-Session: Despite the district's plan to begin construction activities this spring, KSE is squeezing in a short but sweet mini-session of afternoon Enrichment Clubs. PTA is pleased to continue providing scholarship spots for students who are unable to pay the club fees.

Appreciation Events: To say thank you to our teachers and staff, the PTA will coordinate an end-of-year gift fund (collection in April) and our annual Staff Appreciation Week. To say thank you to our parents and other volunteers, we will host a volunteer appreciation party in late spring. Stay tuned for details!

Elections & Planning for Next Year: In March, we will elect officers for next year's PTA Executive Board. We will also be working to identify chairpeople for our key programs for next year. If you are interested in serving in a leadership role, please reach out! We would love to have you.

Recap of the Fall
Recess Bags: The PTA began the year by presenting each grade with a set of recess bags. These bags were purchased with funds that were raised during last year's Springer Sprint. When our students returned to school, they found a variety of jump ropes, playground balls, soccer goals, and other gear to use during their outdoor recess time.

Celebration of Excellence: To celebrate KSE's recognition as a National PTA School of Excellence, our pursuit of the next level of STEM certification, and our successful House Color behavioral system, the PTA hosted pep rallies at each campus. Every student was given a KSE STEM t-shirt in his or her house color, and we had a blast cheering for our House and watching a STEM demonstration. Since the rally, students have enjoyed monthly STEM days in their classrooms and families have participated in regular STEM challenges.

Enrichment Clubs: This fall's Enrichment Club calendar was our biggest ever! With 12 PTA-sponsored clubs -- plus more school-sponsored programs -- our students had a wide array of opportunities to choose from. The PTA funded scholarship spots in each of our clubs, allowing students who cannot pay the registration fee to participate.

Family Activities: Our Movie Night, Fall Festival, and mother/son events were huge hits!

Spirit Nights Around Town: With every spirit night, the PTA is raising money for our school. This fall, our spirit nights brought in a total of $3,044! $1,470 of that came from Rev Coffee, $670 from Monterrey, $510 from St. Angelo's, $324 from Sparkles, and $70 from Grub Burger. We have also received extremely generous in-kind donations from our sponsors, which has helped us cut down on PTA expenses.

Teacher & Staff Appreciation: The KSE PTA is always looking for ways to say THANK YOU to the folks who work so hard to take care of our kids. During Conference Week, we served the entire KSE staff a delicious meal every day. For the holidays, parents donated almost $13,000 and we presented each staff member with a Kroger gift card. Full-time employees received $100 while part-time employees received $50!

Thank you all for supporting the PTA's efforts this year. King Springs is a special place and we are grateful for your help in building and maintaining our awesome community!
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National PTA Award

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