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Results from the Springer Sprint: $42K for KSE!
The Springer Sprint results have been tallied, and we are excited to announce that this year's event raised $42,390 for our school!  Amazing!! 
Springer Sprint 2019 Results
We will use that money to purchase shade structures and technology.  We'll also be giving 10% straight to our teachers for use in their classrooms -- same as last year!

In addition to providing classroom funds, last year's fun run (our inaugural Springer Sprint!) allowed the PTA to purchase recess bags for every grade level. Remaining funds landed in the PTA's general fund, and have been used to further our goal of helping all of KSE's students have an awesome experience at King Springs. For example, we recently used funds raised during last year's Springer Sprint - $760! - to pay for 10 of our 5th graders to attend their overnight field trip. Last year's fun run proceeds also allowed us to provide every student with a House Color STEM t-shirt and to expand our enrichment club scholarship spots this year.

As you know, the PTA partnered with Boosterthon to host this event. In the days leading up to the run, everyone at KSE had lots of fun with the Boosterthon team. Their enthusiasm and energy is contagious! And in addition to helping us raise money, they also helped out with carpool, in classrooms, and with admin tasks like running copies. The run itself was a blast -- music, bubbles, and lots of cheers & high fives!! Check out these pictures for a glimpse of just how fun our Springer Sprint was!
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National PTA Award

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