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Nominating Committee for PTA Leadership Roles

The KSE PTA is forming a nominating committee to fill leadership roles for next year.

Now that we are in the second half of the school year, it's time for our PTA to start taking steps to make NEXT year as successful as possible. Step 1 is the formation of a nominating committee. This committee will review the PTA's leadership needs and then look throughout our community to identify a slate of individuals to serve in those roles. Ideally, we would like for the slate to be presented at the PTA meeting in early March (before that month's grade-level performance).

If you are willing to serve on this committee, please contact kingspringspta@gmail.com or kseptacommunications@gmail.com.

Please also let us know if you are able to take on a leadership role next year, either as an executive board member or as a program/event chairperson!

Many hands make lighter work, and we are grateful to everyone who shares their time and talents with our school.

Donate to the PTA!
National PTA Award

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