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PTA Update: Recent purchases to support KSE's teachers & students
LET US CLAP OUR HANDS TOGETHER! During the holidays, the PTA executive board traded in its tired, rugged shoes for some pointy green boots with red balls on the tips! We saw there was some extra money in the budget and transformed into elves making wishes come true!!

We put out some feelers to parents and staff. They talked, we listened, and together we made magic happen! Many of these things you might not see on a daily basis, but you should know that the PTA funded the following items.

1. Storage bins for all teachers to pack and move classrooms. Investing in our teachers will always be top of our list!

2. Basketball goals for recess at both campuses. We have already heard that students were so thankful to have an activity at recess!

3. Additional materials for morning work. This has been such a hit and our teachers did not have enough supplies for all their students!

4. Popcorn machine to treat students for their accomplishments throughout the year.

5. Author visits and various guest speakers to pour wisdom into our students. KSE's kids treasure learning outside of the classroom.

6. A GloboDrum rhythm performance for the students. This is going to an energizing (maybe even epic) performance in May. Be ready for your students to tell you all about it!

So as always, we thank you! Sometimes it easy to miss all the “extras” that are sponsored by the PTA. As you continue to entrust us with your funds, we promise to use them for the betterment of our school!

We hope you smile as you see some the stuff that goes on behind the scenes.  There's magic happening at KSE that you may not have been aware of!
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National PTA Award

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