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KSE Kindness Week STARTS Monday!!
Kindness Week!

We will be celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Week next week (Feb. 14th-18th), and we have some fun things for the students!
*We'll have a Kindness BINGO challenge like in past years. Once students complete the BINGO challenge, they can turn them into the red containers which will be across from the front office. There will be a bin for each grade level. Students can turn them in through Friday the 18th, and then we'll have a random drawing (2 students/grade level) for some prizes which be given out the Monday after winter break.

*Themed dress-up days:
-Monday: Kindness Makes the Heart Grow- wear red/pink
-Tuesday: Join Team Kindness- wear favorite sports wear
-Wednesday: Double Your Kindness- dress as someone’s twin
-Thursday: Peace, Love, and Kindness- wear Tie Dye
-Friday: I Dream of Kindness- wear PJ’s
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