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Welcome to King Springs Elementary! There will be information coming soon for the 2023-2024 year!
KSE Carpool and Transportation Information!
Welcome to another AWESOME year at KSE! We'd love to give you a refresher on KSE and Cobb Cty. Schools Transportation information: 

Bus Rider Information

What's that Yellow Tag?: A yellow tag will be issued to students who are 8 years old or younger. Please attach it to your child's book bag. This tag will assist transportation staff to quickly identify that your student is 8 years old or younger, which provides another safety net for the proper delivery of your child. Please keep the yellow tag on the top strap of your child's book bag. It must always be visible to the driver for the entire school year. For safety purposes, do not write on or remove the tag. 

Arrive on Time! Students should arrive 5 minutes before the scheduled bus arrival time.

Bus Transportation FAQ's: Click here

Carpool Information

Be Patient! The first week of school has quite a steep learning curve for all parties involved. Please be patient as everyone gets into a new rhythm during the first few weeks of school. You'll get a carpool number tag for your rearview mirror at Sneak-A-Peek! If you can't come to that event, just contact the front office/visit the front office to get your tag.

Students should be in their classrooms by 7:50am to not be counted tardy! There is quite a grace period for this at the beginning of the year, BUT.... go ahead and strive for an early arrival! Most classrooms have opportunities to pick something fun to learn and play with until the morning announcements begin on King Springs TV. Your child can even have breakfast in the cafeteria as early as 7:15am. 

Stay Tuned!- We'll be asking for parent volunteers to help with carpool!

No Falking Zone! Park at Griffin and Walk Your Kiddo to School! Our school is in a bustling community with lots of children walking to and from school and home in the mornings and afternoons. Please be mindful of traffic rules when dropping students off at KSE. We ask that you don't park/put on your flashers/abandon your car to walk your child to the school/etc. on the roads leading up to the school entrances. It makes it hard for buses to pass through those roads, and it's also dangerous for all pedestrians involved. Please consider the AWESOME alternative of parking at Griffin Middle School and walking through our new Sport Court to drop your students off. Griffin Middle starts much later than KSE, so there's a golden window where you can peacefully park and enjoy a few moments dropping your kids off the Walker way! If none of these options work for you, all we ask is that you and your child safely arrive at KSE and have the best day ever! 

Special MORNING ONLY Carpool Info! 


AT 7:30, AM AFTER our first load of buses unload,   we will begin an additional MORNING ONLY carpool line in the bus port.  You will enter on Gann Road.  You will follow the driveway, heading to the right at the loading dock and wait your turn to drop your child off at the sidewalk.  Please do not allow children to exit vehicles in the loading dock area.   We have 2 buses that will have second loads and will need to drop students off on the sidewalk.  Please stay in the line and be patient if you are behind a bus that is unloading students.  

Walker Information

Walking to School is Fun! Make sure you go to the Front Office to get your "Walker Tag." Make sure you bring this tag with you when you're picking up your walker. KSE can't release students without a matching "Walker Tag!" You'll give this tag to a KSE staff member at the ASP side door- this is the first door at the school you encounter as you walk up the sidewalk towards the school from the main entry. You'll notice parents line up at first, but eventually the kiddos just file out in order of the Walker Tags received. Watch out for the King Valley herd of children at the beginning of school release! It's always fun to watch that group giggling and making their way back to their community after a great day at KSE!

What is "Walk to School Wednesday?" Walk to School Day is a National Initiative to get families moving more and staying physically active and enjoying the outdoors.... all while walking to school! Active transportation is great for children's health, their ability to learn and focus, and the environment. If you don't live close enough to KSE to walk, we encourage you to park at Griffin Middle and walk your kids to school across our beautiful Sport Court! If you have a friend in the neighborhood, ask if you can park in their driveway and walk your kid/s to school. There are many local parks and churches who would welcome you. Please be mindful of our neighbors and the safety of our students and staff!

 If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Transportation Department at 678-594-8000, or email your Transportation Area Supervisor, whose email can be found on the Cobb Schools Transportation website.  
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