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Welcome to King Springs Elementary! There will be information coming soon for the 2023-2024 year!
KSE Passport Information!

We have had some GREAT KSE Passport events so far this year! Your kiddos are so excited to celebrate the exploration/travel theme at KSE this year, and we hope the passport encourages them to explore more and expect the unexpected as they travel throughout the year. 

Passport information:

Parents and Teachers: Please have your students keep their passports in their bookbags. This will be the easiest way for them to receive a stamp or sticker on participating in-school event days.  

We will have some off-campus opportunities like spirit nights as well as our Fall Festival and writing night.  Here are some dates for passport opportunities:

December Movie Day!!

Please know that it is OK if your student doesn't have their passport for these opportunities. It's just a fun way to tie in our theme this year, "Learning is an Adventure and it starts at KSE." The PTA provided a "passport" to each child at the beginning of the year. If you have misplaced your Passport and would like to purchase a replacement passport, they are $5 and can be purchased at any time. Please send cash/check to KSE PTA with the student's name/teacher on an envelope, and we will get them a replacement. You can also visit the PTA store, make a donation of $5, and specify why you're making the payment. We want you guys to have fun with this, too! Please, a piece of paper will suffice for a passport stamp the day of if you can't locate your passport. Just get the stamp and tape it into your passport....once you find it... or don't. Just try to have fun with it! We love going on this journey with y'all! Thanks for supporting this initiative!

Donate to the PTA!
National PTA Award

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