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Book Fair Next Week! KSE Passport Event!
The Book Fair is HERE! YAY! Make sure you make time to visit our Book Fair! 
Book Fair 2023

Where: KSE Learning Commons

Dates: Monday 11/13 through Friday 11/17 

Times: 7:10am – 2:00pm daily except Wednesday 11/15 and Friday 11/17. We will stay open until 6pm on 11/15. On Friday 11/17 we will close at 12pm.

Payment: Cash, card, ApplePay, Google Pay, and Kid Credit (please use the QR code and Fair ID# below to load money on Kid Credit. Please also see the attached FAQs). If you are sending your child with cash, please send it in a sealed envelope with their name and homeroom teacher’s name on the front.

Fair ID# 16049

Students must check in with their teachers before coming to shop in the mornings and must have permission to come during the school day. Please check with your child’s homeroom teacher in regards to shopping when you are here for Thanksgiving Feast. It’s important that teachers know where the kiddos are!

We look forward to seeing you during our Book Fair!

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