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News and Events (archive)

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Recap: Spirit Event Success!

These Spirit Events were a BIG success... thanks to YOU! Sparkles (Aug. event): $119 donated to KSE PTA Uncle Maddios Spirit Night (Sept. event): $39.00 donated to KSE PTA Thanks for coming to these PTA Spirit Events! We are looking forward to seeing you at our October Events: 10/10: Crafty Hog from 4-10pm 10/12:...


Support the Pride - Contribute TODAY!

King Springs Foundation launched its annual Support the Pride campaign on September 5th, hoping to raise $70,000 and help Springer reach his crown. The campaign has been going strong, but to help get a little closer to our goal, we're extending Support the Pride to Oct 20th. EVEN THOUGH THE FINAL DAY TO CONTRIBUTE...


1-Movie Night! TOMORROW!!!

MOVIE NIGHT - Don't forget your blankets and low-backed chairs for your viewing enjoyment! October 6th ~ For All Grades K-5th 7:30pm at K-1 Campus Admission is FREE! Concessions for sale will open at 6:30pm There will be popcorn, chips, candy, chips, drinks, Kona Ice and Chick-Fil-A (limited quantities). Bring your...


K-1 Carpool Update

The increase in enrollment at the K-1 campus has provided us with some new challenges with our carpool line. Safety is our number one priority. We understand the frustration when the line is long and families feel rushed. We are very limited in the number of staff members that we have who can assist with the carpool...


Spirit Wear Update

Update: If you have still not received your order, or received something in your order that you believe you received in error, please contact Blythe Smith at blythesmith117@gmail.com After a full day of sorting and packing, 19 volunteers went through and filled over 400 orders! PLEASE READ UPDATE CAREFULLY: 1) Most...


Volunteer Spotlight

A HUMONGOUS Thank You to the 19 Volunteers who helped us fill over 400 Spirit Wear orders on 9/18!! Blythe Smith (Spirit Wear Chairperson), Whitney Taylor, Nicole Spitalnick, Shelby Drinkard, Christina Mather, Emily Boyle, Kerri Turner, Lauren Nations, Anna Ashby, Connie Powell, Sheena Stransky, Katie Kroll, Lauren...


4. Support the Pride Campaign Brings Innovative Lessons to KSE Students

King Springs has some of the world's greatest teachers. Your donation to the Support the Pride campaign goes to support their professional development AND provide resources that enable them to implement really creative lesson plans. Check out this YouTube Video of what the second grade has planned if we can meet the...


Dads Needed!

Calling on the DADS! Each year, KSE holds events to celebrate the moms in our community: Muffins with Moms and our new (as of last year) Mother & Son Event. But, we need DADS to plan and execute the events so that we don't have moms planning and executing their own event. If you're a DAD and you're willing to step...


Never Miss A KSE Date!

Never Miss Another KSE Date! Did you know you can sync your e-calendar (Google Calendar, iCal, etc.) to the KSE PTA Calendar? You CAN! Please note: you will HAVE to log-in to the PTA website in order to do this. Don't have a log-in? Create one first, then follow these directions: KSE PTA maintains our calendar on...


Monthly PTA Sponsor Spotlight and Special Offers

KSE PTA Sponsors help our school to shine. Please consider patronizing our Sponsors and thanking them for their support! This week, we'd especially like to shine the spotlight back on these Sponsors. See below for great offers from these Sponsors! Bellas Pizzeria http://www.bellaspizzeria.com/ Chess2Children...


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